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Author Eileen Pieczonka and Therapy Dog Kong at a school visit for Special Needs children.

Kong and I are conducting an author visit at a school for special needs.

Blackboard image

Hello, and welcome to My Classroom!

My therapy dog and I would love to have the opportunity to meet your class, and read my Blueberry Bear book(s)

 I adopted Suki and Kong several months after my first therapy dog Jamie passed away. They both follow in Jamie's pawprints as therapy dogs and accompany me at book events, author visits, and assisted therapy dog visits.

paw print image of Jamie the Therapy Dog
Therapy Dog Kong and Suki



Therapy Dog Jamie and a reading buddy

Jamie and a reading buddy

A therapy dog's presence creates a calm environment, which lowers the reader's stress levels. Therapy dogs are also non-judgmental, which helps readers build up their self-esteem to read out loud.

I must say, therapy dogs are pawtastic listeners!


Most presentations are interactive with the therapy dog

Cause & Effect

Character Traits

Friendship, Trust, Courage, and Acceptance

Custom Presentations

Ask about my Pre-school/ Kinder

Parts of a Book videos
hosted by Blueberry Bear II

Creative Writing 


Activities/ Games


Who Let the Dogs Out

Dogs Have Jobs Too

Therapy Dogs

Therapy Dogs vs. Service Dogs

Keep Safe Around Dogs

Did you know half of the 4.5 million dog bites per year are pediatric dog bites?

Children who experience a dog bite can develop PTSD.

This common reaction in children can bring on emotional, academic, social, and behavioral problems.

This presentation focuses on how to safely approach a dog.

Author Visits

​​Grade Levels: Pre-school to Third Grade 

Presentation Time: 30 - 60 minutes​

For bookings or questions, please email me at:

Are you requiring more than one author? 
Email me or contact Loving Literacy Authors at:

Fee: $150 per presentation (one class or one grade level)

Pricing Includes: 

Book Reading


Teacher's Packet

A free copy of Blueberry Bear

Book Your Visit Today!

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